MVR CLI is used to manage your package dependencies and to interact with the Move Registry. It is a command-line tool that allows you to:

  1. Add dependencies to your Move project.
  2. Build your Move project with MVR dependencies.


To install the MVR CLI, you can use the following command:

TODO: add installation command

Adding dependencies

To add a dependency to your move code, you can use the mvr add command. This command will add the dependency to your Move.toml file.

mvr add <package_name> --network <mainnet|testnet>

Using this, a new entry will be added to your Move.toml file.

app = { r.mvr = "@mvr/app" }
network = "mainnet"

Building against MVR dependencies

You can use sui move build as usual, and the MVR CLI will be automatically invoked to resolve dependencies and build your project.

sui move build